Demonstration movies
(all videos are rendered at a low resolution 640x480 and compressed to avoid excessive network traffic)

PipsiCAD3D - 1 proton-proton collision @ 3.5TeV in the CMS detector (new)

1 proton lost in a PS septum (new)
(courtesy of S. Damjanovic)

PipsiCAD3D particle track animation (1 proton impinging on a copper target at CERF) (new)

Fly-through of the Compass experiment (courtesy of E. Feldbaumer)

PipsiCAD3D particle track animation (detailed particle interaction in a target) (new)


SimpleGeo 4.0 - part 1 (new)

SimpleGeo 4.0  - part 2 (new)

Short overview of SimpleGeo's capabilities
(shown at the ICRS11 tutorial)

Creating a model for high-level dosimetry simulations (Flash - shockwave)

Fly-through of the CERF experiment
(geometry courtesy of H. Vincke)

Fly-through of a LHC dump (geometry courtesy of J. Vollaire)

Updated 6.3.2013